版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
Free Offline English to Gujarati dictionary. It helps you to search meaning of word and add to Favorite List for future reference.
The free offline English-Gujarati dictionary and thesaurus with synonyms, related words and great search - and no adverts.
The comprehensive ositso dictionary database includes:
- 69,656 words with it's proper meaning
The intelligent word entry suggests possible correct spellings as you type, as well as listing words that sound the same or are often confused.
Additional features include the ability to drill down on any word in a definition, Add to Favorite.
Search features include:
- Alphabetical listing
- Spelling suggestions
- Favorite listing
- Sounds-like and often-confused
- Fast pattern-matching search (*, ?, vowel and consonant)
- This is not only a Dictionary but also a learning tool.
- You can use this dictionary when you have no Internet connection.
- When you start typing, you will see some words starting with the letters you typed.
The dictionary searches in a database for the matching words. This will be helpful to find out the meaning of any word.
The database includes proper meaning and common abbreviations in addition to English vocabulary (e.g. LOL, Oxford, ROFL, Webster, UNHCR, etc.)
No Internet connection is required to use ositso Dictionary, and it's free.
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